Am i a candidate for a brow lift Henderson

All of our procedures are safely performed under local anesthesia in the comfort and convenience of our Center.  Dr. Lanfranchi has served over 10,000 patients since 2006 using his specialized technique.

Am I a Candidate for a Brow Lift?

A sagging brow and forehead can make you look tired or even annoyed. You can raise your drooping brows to their proper position and smooth your forehead with a brow lift. A brow lift can take the heavy burden off your upper eye area, so your eyes look brighter and more alert.  What is a Brow Lift? Gravity and loss of collagen contribute to a drooping brow position, particularly in the outer corners of the brow. As you age, the skin and underlying muscle start to sag. [...]

By |2022-06-08T14:59:09-07:00April 28th, 2022|Brow Lift|0 Comments
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