mini facelift recovery Las Vegas

All of our procedures are safely performed under local anesthesia in the comfort and convenience of our Center.  Dr. Lanfranchi has served over 10,000 patients since 2006 using his specialized technique.

What is a Mini Facelift?

When it comes to anti-aging treatments and procedures, every patient has to find the right balance of effective results and manageable recovery time. Some patients prioritize the most dramatic, long-lasting results, while others prioritize minimal downtime so they can fit it into their busy schedules. For many, a mini facelift is the best of both worlds. View More Patient Results *Individual Results May Vary* What is a Facelift? A facelift (rhytidectomy) is a cosmetic procedure that [...]

By |2024-02-14T10:48:22-08:00September 15th, 2023|Mini Facelift|0 Comments

How Long is Recovery from a Mini Facelift?

For those who want to address sagging in the cheeks, jaw, and upper neck area, a mini facelift can lift, firm, and reduce the appearance of loose skin without the recovery time of a complete facelift. For many people, a mini facelift will correct most of the problems they have concerns with, letting them avoid or delay a facelift. While it cannot provide all the results of a facelift, the mini facelift makes an excellent alternative for people who do not want or need a full facelift.  [...]

By |2021-11-30T07:56:06-08:00November 17th, 2021|Mini Facelift|0 Comments
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