Case 735

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Procedures Performed

  • Face

Case Details

  • Female


This young woman presented with the desire to improve her profile. She stated that even as a younger adult (and teenager) she always had some "fullness" underneath her chin with lack of definition. Examination revealed a moderately sized fat pad under her chin, as well as a mildly undersized chin. She admitted that she never had considered the lack of size of her chin, and was open to the idea of a "conservative" chin augmentation. Under local anesthesia with mild oral sedation, we performed submental (under chin) liposuction along with placement of a medium-sized anatomic silicone chin implant. There was a small incision placed under her chin (in the natural crease) that was approximately 1/2 inch in length. Her recovery time was less than one week. Her result demonstrates a much-improved neckline (that appears less heavy in appearance), along with a modestly more prominent chin to balance her lips and nose.

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