Case 737

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Procedures Performed

  • Face

Case Details

  • Female


This energetic woman presented to our Center with the desire for improvement in her sagging neck and jawline. She mentioned that for her entire life she was not pleased with the lack of chin strength. We discussed how patients with less "structure" (ie jawbone and chin size) tend to have their neck and jawline tissue fall faster due to the lack of support to hold up the falling muscles and skin. We decided to add an extended anatomic silicone chin implant which naturally increased both her projection and width in keeping with the natural shape she was born with. This implant did not require any additional incisions since it was placed via the small incision under her chin that was used for the central neck refinement. The patient did not want to be "put to sleep" for the procedures due to her concerns over general anesthesia and associated risks. She was administered a low dose of oral valium 45 minutes before her treatment, and they were performed under local anesthesia in the comfort of our Center (no general or IV sedation used - our typical Center protocol). Most of her sutures were removed after one week, and she was able to return to her socialization events and physical activity in 2 weeks.

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