TLC Blog

All of our procedures are safely performed under local anesthesia in the comfort and convenience of our Center.  Dr. Lanfranchi has served over 10,000 patients since 2006 using his specialized technique.

What Procedures Can Be Combined with Chin Augmentation?

Chins aren’t something many people think about, yet for others, a weak chin can be a significant source of frustration or insecurity. Some patients have chin augmentation combined with another procedure for the most improved, natural-looking results.

What is Chin Augmentation?

Chin augmentation, also called mentoplasty or genioplasty, involves using an implant to enhance the shape and projection of the chin. This can be beneficial for people with a weak or receding chin. By placing a silicone implant over the chin bone, you can create a more defined jawline, more proportionate facial harmony, and improve your facial profile. Chin augmentation can also help minimize the appearance of a double chin.

Dr. Lanfranchi performs chin augmentation under local anesthesia at the Lanfranchi Center. The procedure takes approximately one hour when performed alone. You will have multiple sizes and shapes of chin implants to choose from for your ideal appearance.

Las Vegas Facelift

*Individual Results May Vary*

Best Procedures to Combine with Chin Augmentation

For many patients, the subtle results of chin augmentation are enough for a dramatic confidence boost. However, some patients also have concerns like submental fat (double chin), neck sagging, or jowls. Combining chin augmentation with one or more facial procedures may provide better results.

Depending on your goals and concerns, you can pair chin augmentation with almost any procedure, from an eyelid lift to CO2 resurfacing. But it’s most often combined with other neck and lower face treatments to further improve your jawline and facial profile. Dr. Lanfranchi may recommend one or more of the following options.

Neck Lipo

A weak chin can accentuate sagging in the neck and submental fullness. Enhancing the chin with genioplasty can reduce these concerns but won’t fully address them. Neck liposculpting removes unwanted fat for a slimmer, smoother neck. Combined with chin augmentation, neck liposuction can greatly improve your facial profile and jawline definition.

Facelift and Neck Lift

For middle-aged and older patients seeking chin augmentation, it may be beneficial to address signs of aging simultaneously. The lower face and neck often droop with time, but a facelift and neck lift can turn back the clock. Dr. Lanfranchi often performs chin augmentation with his TLC™ Lift.

Mini Facelift

Many patients only have mild to moderate signs of aging and are not ready for an extensive facelift procedure. The TLC Mini Lift may be the perfect solution. This mini facelift is less invasive and helps rejuvenate the jawline, lower face, and cheeks, making it a great addition to chin augmentation.

Chin Augmentation Consultations Available

Am I a Good Candidate for Chin Augmentation?

Almost anyone with a weak or undefined chin is a good candidate for chin augmentation. During your consultation, Dr. Lanfranchi will evaluate your facial structure and discuss your goals to help you determine the best treatment. Whether you undergo chin augmentation alone or a combination of procedures, he’ll customize the treatment to your unique needs.

Dr. Lanfranchi and his whole team are great. Not only did they take care of me from start to finish, but my results are already amazing-looking and it’s hardly been a month post-procedure. Actually my chin looked natural about a week after the procedure, not even my own immediate family could tell I had anything done!!!! Unclockable 😉 It looks like a part of me and it will only get more refined with time.

Highly recommend, you will only wish you had done it sooner!!!!!

Take The First Step – Request A Consultation

Ready to learn more about chin augmentation? The first step is to come in for an in-person consultation with Dr. Lanfranchi. Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation or call our office directly at (702 )779-0538 during normal business hours (please leave a message if we are unable to answer). The Lanfranchi Center serves the Las Vegas and Henderson, NV areas.

By |2023-09-05T09:18:01-07:00August 10th, 2023|Chin Augmentation|0 Comments

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