TLC Blog

All of our procedures are safely performed under local anesthesia in the comfort and convenience of our Center.  Dr. Lanfranchi has served over 10,000 patients since 2006 using his specialized technique.

3011, 2022

How Long After Blepharoplasty Should I Wait To Wear Makeup?

By |November 30th, 2022|Blepharoplasty|

Tired-looking eyes can weigh down your appearance and make you look older than you are. Blepharoplasties are an excellent solution that provide a refreshed appearance and can even make applying makeup easier! So when exactly is the right time to wear makeup after a blepharoplasty?  What is a Blepharoplasty? A blepharoplasty, also known as an eyelid lift, is a procedure that aims to rejuvenate the face by tightening the skin and muscles in the upper and lower eyelids. Blepharoplasty can provide a long-lasting solution for eyelid drooping, undereye [...]

2011, 2022

How Much Does a Facelift Cost?

By |November 20th, 2022|Facelift|

Aging can bring many changes to the face that may leave you feeling unconfident or unsatisfied. It’s natural to yearn to have your youthful glow back and to wonder about possible treatments and their costs. If you are looking to reverse the effects of aging on your appearance, a facelift may be right for you.  What are My Options for a TLC Facelift?  At The Lanfranchi Center, we understand that every face is unique and requires a customized treatment plan best suited to you. The Premier TLC Lift™ [...]

1011, 2022

How Long Does Chin Augmentation Last?

By |November 10th, 2022|General|

A weak or undefined chin and jaw can disrupt the balance of the face and negatively impact your self-confidence. Chin augmentation provides a simple way to transform your look and help you feel happier with your appearance. Whether you are in your 20s or over 40, the Lanfranchi Center is here to help you decide if chin augmentation is for you! What is Chin Augmentation? Chin augmentation is a simple aesthetic treatment that aims to contour and refine the appearance. Chin augmentation helps achieve a balanced appearance by [...]

3010, 2022

How Much Does Facial Rejuvenation Cost?

By |October 30th, 2022|Facial Rejuvenation|

The aging process can bring about many changes to the face that may leave you feeling displeased or unconfident, and you may begin considering options to bring back your youthful glow. Considering facial rejuvenation may feel daunting, and you may have many questions, but we at The Lanfranchi Center are here to help you through every step of the journey!What are My Options for Facial Rejuvenation?The Lanfranchi Center has several different options for facial rejuvenation. Your face is unique, and you may have specific areas of concern you would [...]

2010, 2022

What are the Benefits of an Upper Eyelid Lift?

By |October 20th, 2022|Eyelid Lift|

Tired-looking eyes can negatively impact your self-image, making you feel as though you look older than you are. If you have noticed hooding or a puffy look to your eyelids or have hindered vision because of your eyelids, you may be dealing with excess skin. An upper eyelid lift could be the solution to achieving a rejuvenated appearance! What is a TLC Upper Eyelid Lift? As the skin ages, it begins to lose its natural elasticity, and the muscles in the eyelid begin to weaken, which leads to [...]

1010, 2022

What to Expect After a Brow Lift

By |October 10th, 2022|Brow Lift|

You may have noticed that you appear tired even after a full night’s rest or even appear annoyed even when you’re in high spirits. If so, you may be struggling with a sagging brow. A brow lift could be the solution for a fresh and young-looking appearance.  What is a TLC Brow Lift? A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation, is a treatment done to lift the eyebrow, decreasing the brow’s overall heaviness and droopiness. Dr. Lanfranchi’s modified approach to the traditional brow [...]

3009, 2022

What are the Benefits of Neck Liposuction?

By |September 30th, 2022|Liposuction|

There are many reasons why people get neck liposuction. One of the most common reasons is to improve their appearance. People may feel that they have too much fat around their neck or that their neck is too saggy. Others may simply want to achieve a more youthful look. No matter the reason, The Lanfranchi Center is prepared to help you achieve the maximum benefits of neck liposuction.  What is Neck Liposuction? Neck liposuction is a minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure that can help improve the appearance of the neck, [...]

2009, 2022

How Long is Recovery After Facial Fat Transfer?

By |September 20th, 2022|Fat Transfer|

Do you wish to restore volume to your face? Facial fat transfer treatments are a safe and effective way to gain a voluminous, natural-looking complexion. With this fat transfer technique, The Lanfranchi Center can provide you with long-lasting facial rejuvenation results. Read on to discover more about facial fat transfer, like how safe it is or how much downtime it requires.  What is Facial Fat Transfer? A facial fat transfer or facial fat grafting is a minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure that can help restore volume and fullness to your [...]

1009, 2022

How to Fix Droopy Eyelids

By |September 10th, 2022|Blepharoplasty|

Droopy eyelids can make you look tired, sad, and old. They can even interfere with your vision. Fortunately, The Lanfranchi Center can help! TLC offers blepharoplasty procedures that can restore youth and beauty to your eyes. Read on to find out the different types of eyelid-revitalizing procedures that Dr. Lanfranchi performs to treat your eyelid concerns.  View More Patient Results *Individual Results May Vary* How to Fix Your Droopy Eyelids With Eye a Blepharoplasty One of the [...]

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