TLC Blog

All of our procedures are safely performed under local anesthesia in the comfort and convenience of our Center.  Dr. Lanfranchi has served over 10,000 patients since 2006 using his specialized technique.

Can Liposuction Get Rid Of Neck Fat?

Submental fat, also known as a double chin, is a common but frustrating condition that can make your neck and jawline look less defined. Fortunately, you have options that can help you remove this unwanted fat and achieve a slim, defined neck, jaw, and chin. Neck liposuction offers effective fat removal, even in challenging areas such as neck fat.

Las Vegas Facelift

*Individual Results May Vary

What is Liposuction?

Dr. Lanfranchi uses liposuction to sculpt and shape your double chin. This procedure uses a few small incisions that allow him to insert a cannula. He uses this thin tool to break up neck fat and suction it out. He performs a precise version of liposuction called liposculpture, a procedure that focuses more on strategic shaping and slimming rather than just fat removal. 

Can Liposuction Get Rid of Neck Fat?

Liposuction is an excellent way to eliminate your double chin. Dr. Lanfranchi specializes in face and neck procedures, allowing him to focus his liposuction skills entirely on the neck and chin areas. Liposuction is the most effective way to get rid of unwanted neck fat, especially for people with good skin elasticity. Other methods can have unpleasant side effects or cannot remove as much fat.

Chin Augmentation Consultations Available

Do I Need Neck Liposuction or a Neck Lift?

When you look at your neck and chin area in the mirror, what are your primary concerns? If you are bothered by a double chin but your skin is firm and elastic, neck liposuction may achieve your desired results. If you do not have much excess fat but have concerns about loose skin, you may be a better candidate for a TLC Lift™ neck and lower facelift. 

What is Recovery Like After Neck Liposuction?

Recovery from neck liposuction is usually quick. People with low-activity jobs can usually return to work within a week. Those with more physically demanding work may need to wait a week or two. Swelling can take a few weeks to resolve completely. The small, carefully hidden incisions will become nearly invisible over time. Most people can fully enjoy their results within a few weeks and will feel more confident as a result. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Neck Liposuction?

Candidates for neck liposuction should be healthy adults with reasonable expectations and concerns about their neck and double chin areas. Ideal candidates for this procedure have excess fat in the submental area but have good skin elasticity. This factor is important because, without skin elasticity, your skin may sag when fat is removed. A neck lift can tighten this loose skin and provide the sculpted, defined look you have hoped for. Only a consultation can determine which procedure or combination will provide your best results.

I am EXTREMELY happy to have found the Lanfranchi Center on both Google and Yelp, and to have had my chin implant/lipo procedures done by Dr. Lanfranchi so quickly and beautifully!

Take The First Step – Request A Consultation

Ready to learn more about neck liposuction? The first step is to come in for an in-person consultation with Dr. Lanfranchi. Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation or call our office directly at (702 )929-3880 during normal business hours (please leave a message if we are unable to answer). The Lanfranchi Center serves the Las Vegas and Henderson, NV areas.

By |2023-12-19T14:31:31-08:00November 20th, 2023|Neck Liposculpting, Neck Liposuction|0 Comments

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