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All of our procedures are safely performed under local anesthesia in the comfort and convenience of our Center.  Dr. Lanfranchi has served over 10,000 patients since 2006 using his specialized technique.

How Visible are Brow Lift Scars?

If you look in the mirror and find yourself frustrated by sagging brows and a tired appearance, a brow lift may be the right solution for you. This procedure strategically lifts the brows to restore your natural arch without the risk of an overdone or startled appearance. 

What is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift, sometimes referred to as a forehead lift, is used to correct drooping brows and restore them to a more youthful position. This procedure can address brows that droop due to age, but it can also help those who were born with naturally “hooded” eyes. Dr. Lanfranchi and his team specialize in facial rejuvenation, including the brow and eye area.

Las Vegas Facelift

*Individual Results May Vary*

How is a Brow Lift Performed?

Dr. Lanfranchi performs your brow lift using a local anesthetic. He can also provide medication that will help you feel calm and at ease during the procedure. Incisions are made within the hairline to allow him to lift the brows. He focuses on the outer corners to provide the most natural look while lifting the weight of excess skin off your eye area. Many people report that their eyes feel refreshed and rested after a brow lift. 

How Visible are Brow Lift Scars?

Dr. Lanfranchi carefully disguises the incisions within your natural hairline. As a result, they will be invisible to most people after they heal. Scars will look pink for up to a few months, but this is usually not visible due to your hair. Dr. Lanfranchi will not change the appearance of your hairline in any way unless that is one of your treatment goals.

Brow lift Consultations Available

Do I Need a Brow Lift or Eyelid Lift?

If your eyes look tired and sagging, you may not know whether you need an eyelid lift or brow lift. These two procedures address different concerns, so many people can benefit from combining them. People who need a brow lift usually have concerns with eyebrows that have drooped downward and lost their youthful arch. Those in need of an eyelid lift usually want to address loose eyelid skin, wrinkles, and a sagging appearance. 

A brow lift is often combined with other procedures. Many people choose to have a brow lift with a facelift to rejuvenate the entire face. The TLC Premier Lift™ combines up to six procedures, which can include a brow lift, to help you achieve all your goals in a single surgery. 

Am I a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?

Brow lifts are an excellent option for individuals in good health and with reasonable expectations. Good candidates want to achieve natural-looking lifted brows and a rejuvenated appearance. People with certain medical conditions may not be good candidates.

“Not only has my procedure improved my appearance, but it has also given me new hope to get out there and stay engaged in public and personal pursuits. Thank you Dr. Lanfranchi!”

Take The First Step – Request A Consultation

Ready to learn more about brow lifts? The first step is to come in for an in-person consultation with Dr. Lanfranchi. Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation or call our office directly at (702 )929-3880 during normal business hours (please leave a message if we are unable to answer). The Lanfranchi Center serves the Las Vegas and Henderson, NV areas.

By |2024-02-13T13:21:50-08:00October 30th, 2023|Brow Lift|0 Comments

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